Kogan Corporate Office Headquarters

Head Office Address : 139 Gladstone Street South Melbourne Melbourne, VIC 3205 Australia

Phone Number : 1300304292

Email : corporate@kogan.com.au

Web : https://www.kogan.com/au/

Twitter ID : @kogan

Kogan Australia corporate office headquarters
Kogan Australia
Average rating:  
 78 reviews
 by Marek klus

When you coming over there he is getting bored at home Doing nothing taking to me all. afternoon laying on the bed he waiting for you right now is not watching tv right now he wants to work from home he for Delivery quick faster app or free home Delivery app

 by Alif

This company is hopeless and the more time elapses, the worse they get. I have been a customer buying a few items per year, but be warned, whenever anything goes wrong, that is something is faulty, item is damaged in transit whilst being delivered or faulty product, still under warranty/guarantee, forget the after sales assistance.

Even though I notified them on the same day of delivery, 6 weeks after they delivered a visibly damaged dishwasher (box dented and torn 60cm and a gaping hole on the other side that looked like a forklift/had gone through) they finally replaced, with another unit, that doesn't work and the matter is still unresolved.

The second dishwasher, undamaged externally but faulty (doesn't work at all), required me to once again go through the painful "dead on arrival" process, as they wanted videos of how we determined it doesn't work. Sorry but "dah". The computer display had fail - error messages displayed and wouldn't switch anything on or work. Kogan required us to video and show it was plugged in and that we read the manual. Why we had to show it was plugged in when the display showed error messages mystified both my husband and I, when power is need to light the display?. Finally they decided there might be a fault and wanted to take dishwasher to a warehouse (we had to unplug, uninstall and re-box so that a repair technician company can 'check/inspect dishwasher' to ensure we had not damaged it. The repair company, that was engaged by Kogan made us stay home all day, two times and fail to show up and expected us to wait again so that they may consider collecting and Kogan were powerless to confirm collection times/days and we were to understand that "they are busy!", like everyone else isn't doing it hard.

Thanks to PayPal, they took over and I am hopeful to be rid of Kogan's dishwasher and will close my account with Kogan an absolutely useless company!!!!

 by Pollyfodder

WARNING! KOGAN uses ICUMULUS GLOBAL DIRECT, the worst courier in the Southern Hemisphere!


KOGAN refuses to take ownership for THEIR mess.

At the time of writing this, I have waited 4 weeks since ordering my Air conditioner from KOGAN.

KOGAN will continue using Icumulus Global Express Irregardless of the hundreds of BAD online REVIEWS because they are CHEAP, and KOGAN DOES NOT CARE!!

Probably because their name is MUD anyway?

If you intend shopping with KOGAN, DEMAND they do not use Icumulus Global Express!

Best to send them an email or use their online form BEFORE YOU BUY to make sure of this!

It will save you WEEKS of anguish, TRUST ME!

Here see the reviews here on this reputable website for Icumulus Global Direct!


KOGAN knows all about this mob, as one can guarantee that I am not the only customer this has happened to, hence the reviews!

Below is a timeline of my continuing dilemma! One has included this timeframe as it is directly relevant to perspective KOGAN customers, and is provided as an indication of what to expect! The consumer has a right to know!

23 September 2022 Purchased my Olimpia air conditioner from KOGAN.

Pic below will show KOGAN's dispatch was TWO DAYS LATE too!

27 September Icumulus received my order into their depot on Tuesday.

29 September Icumulus Global Express tracker stated my "order in transit"

and according to the Icumulus Global Express tracker stayed in transit for 12 days!

07 October KOGAN issued me a refund for the $49.99 freight charge for my goods!

09 October and after 12 days was notified it has been received in "DEPOT QUEENSLAND", but WHERE IN QUEENSLAND? Since Sunday 9 October all attempts to find out from Icumulus Global Express WHERE and WHICH DEPOT have failed!

11 October 2022 it was 14 days since my package was received by Icumulus Global Express

11 October, Have just learnt that the "depot" is actually in BRISBANE and has left Brisbane to Townsville TODAY!

This means, it took 12 days for Icumulus Global Express to transport my goods from Melbourne to Brisbane!

My LAME MULE description of this Icumulus Global Express circus STANDS!

13 October, I learn from Icumulus Global Direct that my package will be arriving in Townsville Mon 17 or Tuesday 18 October THREE WEEKS after Icumulus Global Express received it in their Melbourne depot!!

A new transport record!

17 October.

Icumulus Global Express Tracker tells me today the order is "Travelling between depots" again! See pic below

This means they LIED to be AGAIN and that my order that has been sitting in Brisbane since Sunday 02 October is now finally on the road to Townsville!

After I was told last week (13 Oct) it left Brisbane last Thursday and I would get it on Mon or Tue 17-18 Oct?

20 October

FREIGHT presumed STOLEN by Icumulus Global Express!

Reported to Qld Police on 20 October.

21 October


Just got email from KOGAN.


"Hi Peter,

Thanks for your email.

I completely understand your frustration and once again, we sincerely apologise for the severe inconvenience caused by this matter on behalf of iCumulus Global Express.

As we are constantly striving to improve, your feedback is greatly appreciated and I have passed this on to the relevant department for you.

I have been investigating this matter further with our courier, and they still have not been able to provide an update regarding the status of your item.

We certainly do not intend to keep you waiting, and as such, I’m happy to arrange for a replacement Olimpia Splendid 5.2kW Reverse Cycle Portable Air Conditioner (AIRPRO18HP) to be sent to you.

Please kindly confirm your delivery address and I can arrange this promptly.

Alternatively, should you prefer a refund instead, please let me know and I will have this actioned for you promptly.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kindest regards,

[Name Removed]

Customer Care Team"


At least KOGAN is startingshow some humanity!

I relied with requested information within seconds, and here is the reply.


"[Name Removed] (Kogan.com Help Desk)

Oct 21, 2022, 15:51 GMT+11

Hi Peter,

Thank you for your patience.

Your replacement has been finalised and is under the reference - TQ3XRA82-LIT.

This will be sent with Toll, and our warehouse team will process and dispatch this order shortly.

Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive your dispatch information via email.

Thank you for choosing to shop with us and please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further assistance.

Kindest regards,

[Name Removed]

Customer Care Team"


SURE, Kogan is sending a "replacement" but THAT will not be dispatched from the KOGAN warehouse till Monday 23 October because KOGAN does not work weekends, therefore one's air conditioner should reach me via TOLL (a reputable courier) by Friday28 October HOPEFULLY!

Meaning one will have waited in sweaty warm Townsville for 5 WEEKS for my (a) bloomin air conditioner to arrive.

At the end of the day, THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED!

KOGAN SHOULD NOT BE USING SHODDY 3rd WORLD "lame mule and buggy" COURIERS, especially one with such a pathetic reputation! Hence one's link for Icumulus Global Express reviews above.


Not HAPPY [Name Removed]

NOT HAPPY [Name Removed]

NOT HAPPY [Name Removed]

NOT HAPPY [Name Removed]

NOT HAPPY [Name Removed]

NOT HAPPY [Name Removed] !

Monday 24 October

Can you believe this!

Just got off the phone to Icumulus Global Lame Mule Express, and am told that KOGAN contacted them on Friday instructing them to RETURN MY AIR CONDITIONER that i bought TO SENDER!

MY PROPERTY that finally FINALLY got to the Townsville depot after over 4 WEEKS , and they want it SENT BACK, the goods I PAID FOR, MY LEGAL PROPERTY addressed to MOI!


AND making it even MORE RIDICULOUS is KOGAN has dispatched ANOTHER air conditioner TODAY via Toll as stated in the Email cut and paste above, and expected me to wait ANOTHER 5-7 days for IT!

Whilst my ORIGINAL one that one has waited 5 WEEKS FOR in total, sits here in the TOWNSVILLE Icumulus Lame Mule Express terminal

Here's an email reply regarding the replacement that left their depot today!

For the record, YES, the email one sent them after learning of the "return to sender" fiasco WAS NOT VERY NICE AT ALL.


"A---- R (Kogan.com Help Desk)

Oct 24, 2022, 14:54 GMT+11

Hi Peter,

Thanks for your email.

While we appreciate your feedback, constructive or otherwise, calling us foul names is uncalled for and will not result in a faster resolution.

Name-calling and foul language will result in your ticket being closed automatically with no further response.

We are here to help and more than happy to do so, however, we do not tolerate abusive language whatsoever, so we encourage you to remember this before replying.

I hope this is the final time that this needs to be addressed.

Please be advised that iCumulus Global Express were unable to provide us with an ETA update on your order for almost 1 week.

As such, a quick resolution was to arrange for a replacement order to be sent to you via a different courier.

Please note that your replacement order was created on 21/10 and most orders take 1 - 2 business days at most to be dispatched from our warehouse.

After following up on your order, I can confirm that it is now in the final stages of being processed by our warehouse and is expected to be on its way to you in the next 24 - 48 hours at the latest.

Once your order has left our warehouse, you will be sent a dispatch email with tracking information and courier details.

I sincerely apologise for the delay and the inconvenience it may have caused, your patience and understanding have been much appreciated.

I look forward to getting your order to you as quickly as possible.

In the meantime, if there is anything else I can assist with, please let me know.

Kindest regards,

A--- R

Customer Care Team"


After All Kogan has put me through, they were not even sending the replacement air conditioner via AIR FREIGHT after they asked the original that they dispatched 5 weeks ago to be "returned to sender" from TOWNSVILLE!

Without a warrant or Court Order, They have no LEGAL right in any way to interfere with the delivery of an item I legally own, an item I PAID FOR, and item addressed to me. Just as anyone cannot interfere with the delivery of mail.


What sort of people/company, KNOWING how long one has already waited for delivery of purchased goods by the shoddy courier THEY CHOSE would then tell their shoddy courier to RETURN said goods when it has finally arrived near its destination after 5 weeks waiting for delivery, only to replace the goods with a SECOND round of SAME goods from starting point Melbourne, knowing it will add even MORE TIME?

Does ANYONE see any sense in this or is it just me?


25 October

Email from Kogan, MORE EXCUSES!


"A---- R (Kogan.com Help Desk)

Oct 25, 2022, 14:44 GMT+11

Hi Peter,

Thanks for your numerous emails.

As per my last email, please be advised that iCumulus Global Express were unable to provide us with an ETA update on your order for almost 1 week.

The return request was sent to the courier on Friday (21/10) and it wasn't until yesterday (24/10) that they provided us with any form of updates regarding this shipment.

Please note that the return request and replacement order was arranged with your best interest in mind and in order to provide you with a quicker resolution.

Had we known that the order was already in QLD on Friday the 24th, the outcome would've have been a lot different today.

Please kindly note that there is nothing illegal with us requesting the return of an item whilst we provide you with an alternative resolution in the meantime.

As such, your replacement order was arranged on 21/10 and was dispatched with a different courier within the next business day on 24/10.

Having checked up on your replacement order, I have received confirmation from Toll that this shipment is currently in transit and should be delivered within the next few days.

Please feel free to monitor this delivery closely here.

We really appreciate your patience and understanding while we try to get this issue resolved for you.

I look forward to you receiving this replacement order as promptly as possible.

In the meantime, if there is anything else I can assist with, please let me know.

Kindest regards,

A---- R

Customer Care Team


At the end of the day it was KOGAN that chooses to use these Icumulus mob, and second they knew YESTERDAY that it was in Townsville BEFORE the air conditioner left their warehouse!

What a pathetic excuse!

At the end of the day, KOGAN is responsible for this mess, and they REFUSE TO TAKE OWNERSHIP, instead showing their arrogance AGAIN, adding INSULT TO INJURY!!

To Kogan a "quick resolution" means sending ANOTHER air conditioner from Melbourne, while the aircon one has waited FIVE WEEKS FOR sits in the Icumulus Global Direct depot HERE IN TOWNSVILLE kilometers away from delivery point because they have ordered it to be RETURNED TO SENDER!!!

How is it possible these people are still in business!

October 25

Sent an email to Kogan offering an olive branch, in the hope common sense would prevail and that my suggestion would release My air conditioner sitting in Townsville so it can be delivered TODAY.



12:49 (1 hour ago)

to Kogan.com


You are sending me TWO AIR CONDITIONERS, and all this rig-marole is YOUR FAULT!

Tell you what, I should not be doing this, but send BOTH AIR CONDITIONERS and one will pay 1/2 price for the one in transit from brisbane at the moment, this way I can get the one that is currently SITTING THERE in Townsville.

Email me if you agree, Make out an invoice for $420 and one will pay via Afterpay so you get $$$ straight away.

After this, we have a clean slate!



After all they have put me through, a NORMAL COMPANY run by HUMANS would accept this offer, this olive branch one has offered them!


Here I am Tuesday 25 October STILL NO DELIVERY 28 DAYS AFTER Icumulus Global Express received my air conditioner in their Melbourne depot and 33 days after ordering my air conditioner AND COUNTING!

All I have heard from KOGAN was well rehearsed SORRIES and stalling tactics!

All I have heard from Icumulus Global Express was well orchestrated LIES and diversions!


At this time, one can now HONESTLY SAY that a HORSE AND BUGGY would have been quicker!

Distance between Melbourne and Townsville 2,497.3km.

This means over the 32 days one has been waiting, the horses would have to travel 78km per day.

If horses worked 8 hours per day they would only have to travel at a speed of 8km per hour!

A leisurely Strole even for a LAME MULE, thus My LAME MULE description of this Icumulus Global Express circus STANDS!

P R O V E N !


Has anyone in cyberspace seen anything like it?


KOGAN is just as responsible for using Icumulus Global Express FULLY KNOWING is does NOT have ONE GOOD REVIEW in cyberspace, it cannot sit in any Court and say THEY DID NOT KNOW, and I am sure that I am not the only KOGAN customer that has had problems with them!

TIME FOR KOGAN TO TAKE OWNERSHIP for using shoddy couriers instead of HIDING BEHIND THEM!

I must also divulge that KOGAN gave me a lowsy $20 credit for my NEXT PURCHASE, something that will NEVER EVER EVER eventuate! WHAT AN INSULT AFTER WHAT I'M GOING THROUGH!

Living in hot sweaty Townsville without an air conditioner in my computer room. I have a medical condition, and unlike everyone else around me, I cannot regulate my temperature, and I also have ASD with sensory issues on top of that, so you can imagine the HELL I'm going through.

10 days MAX is acceptable, and one expected that as a maximum, and has made provisions therefore, and one receives many items from interstate, but THIS, THIS goes beyond PATHETIC!

THIS is why one has provided such a lengthy review.

I don't want others to go through what I am going through.


ALSO, Kogan should be transparent in which courier they will be using BEFORE consumers purchase items like other online businesses, ESPECIALLY WITH CHRISTMAS ALMOST UPON US!

I may yet be suing all parties for the stress they have caused.

I have not even STARTED addressing this issue, and this will be a thorn in Kogan and Icumulus' butt for a long long time to come!

The pictures below say a thousand words!

Shop elsewhere for Christmas, save yourselves the heartache!

 by Carlene Linnell

BAD BAD BAD - NO communication, over a dozen emails to Customer Service (no service - BS) No happy with the silent treatment.

Going to lodge complaint with fair trading. called 1300304292 message machine no service. Absolutely unimpressed. Will keep looking for a phone number that works.

 by Shane Layt

Where the hell is your warranty contact. Why cant I speak to someone rather than waiting until your ready to do something about my product warranty!! Your Website is built like a not so Merry-go-round and deliberately forces you to give up trying to contact you. Absolutely, diabolically hopeless.

 by les mckenna

What a joke can not contacted any when to get help with a product. no tech help number to call center. would not waste time buying from here again.

 by Kerry

Very poor service and impossible to contact Kogan customer service. i bought a pair of walking boots which were advertised as waterproof. The first time I wore them in damp grass, they leaked. Wet feet and socks. I complained to Kogan and received an email asking me to send a photograph to prove the boots are not durably waterproof. I asked how I was going to take a photo of the inside of a boot and have not had a response to three subsequent emails. I have no intention of shopping with Kogan again.

 by CR

WORST COMPANY TO DEAL WITH!! I have contacted this company in every which way possible and they still have been deducting a monthly fee shown as TUYA. I don't recommend you purchase anything from this company. If you need help or anything from them, they will quickly dismiss it or tell you something you want to hear but never act on it. BEWARE!

 by Lachlan

Still waiting on a bed that was ordered a month and a half ago. No invoice was sent to my email. No cantact from Kogan to confirm the order. I've gotten bits of my order but no bed! Nothing from any couriers to say it's on it's way and no phone number to call. Just the number on this page where a recorded voice tells you to call other places where i won't find any answers. Not Happy!

 by Robyn

I bought an item from them which was good. Next I am charged for a membership fee $99.00 which I never ask for nor approved! Plus you can't speak to anyone just damn automated responses! I'm taking this to the ACCC

Recently updated on November 20th, 2023 at 11:53 am

Kogan Headquarters Info

You can find the corporate head office address and headquarters in Melbourne, VIC 3205. Most of the operations handled from this Kogan Australia corporate headquarter.

  • Address: Kogan headquarters is completely transparent when it comes to contact information and location of the Kogan. You can address any letters to this corporate headquarters office to:

139 Gladstone Street, South Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC 3205

  • Phone Number: Call 1300 304 292 to reach someone at Kogan headquarters. As soon as you speak with a representative, you should have a fair solution to your problem that is relatively fast, You can contact during Monday to Sunday: 24 Hours. We suspect the corporate head office is also open during these times.
  • Email: As an alternative, you can email Kogan at corporate@kogan.com.au that may help spread the word about your problem. You can also contact someone close to the corporate head office by emailing the Media Help department.
  • Website: You can use their website https://www.kogan.com/au/ and contact any department for general help. there is no dedicated website for Kogan headquarters.

Kogan Headquarters Executive Team

Meet the team providing strong leadership to Kogan headquarters. Below are some executive team members name of Kogan corporate office Australia.

  • Barry Diller : Chairman and Senior Executive
  • Peter M. Kern : Vice Chairman
  • Mark Okerstrom : President and Chief Executive Officer, Expedia Group, Inc.
  • Alan Pickerill : Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Expedia Group, Inc.
  • Robert Dzielak : Chief Legal Officer and Secretary, Expedia Group, Inc.

Kogan corporate office addresses

Corporate addresses
Kogan (Australia)  139 Gladstone Street, South Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC 3205

Kogan Headquarters Location & Directions

Kogan Head Office Australia Photos


Resource Links

Support Feedback

Also Read : Optus Headquarters Info

Kogan Australia FAQS

Q. Where is Kogan Headquarters?
A. Kogan headquarters is located at 139 Gladstone Street, South Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC 3205.

Q. What is Kogan australia phone number?
A. Kogan Australia Phone number is 1300 304 292.

Q. Who owns Kogan australia?
A. Kogan Australia is wholly owned by Kogan.com.

Submit your review

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Kogan Australia
Average rating:  
 78 reviews
 by Marek klus

When you coming over there he is getting bored at home Doing nothing taking to me all. afternoon laying on the bed he waiting for you right now is not watching tv right now he wants to work from home he for Delivery quick faster app or free home Delivery app

 by Alif

This company is hopeless and the more time elapses, the worse they get. I have been a customer buying a few items per year, but be warned, whenever anything goes wrong, that is something is faulty, item is damaged in transit whilst being delivered or faulty product, still under warranty/guarantee, forget the after sales assistance.

Even though I notified them on the same day of delivery, 6 weeks after they delivered a visibly damaged dishwasher (box dented and torn 60cm and a gaping hole on the other side that looked like a forklift/had gone through) they finally replaced, with another unit, that doesn't work and the matter is still unresolved.

The second dishwasher, undamaged externally but faulty (doesn't work at all), required me to once again go through the painful "dead on arrival" process, as they wanted videos of how we determined it doesn't work. Sorry but "dah". The computer display had fail - error messages displayed and wouldn't switch anything on or work. Kogan required us to video and show it was plugged in and that we read the manual. Why we had to show it was plugged in when the display showed error messages mystified both my husband and I, when power is need to light the display?. Finally they decided there might be a fault and wanted to take dishwasher to a warehouse (we had to unplug, uninstall and re-box so that a repair technician company can 'check/inspect dishwasher' to ensure we had not damaged it. The repair company, that was engaged by Kogan made us stay home all day, two times and fail to show up and expected us to wait again so that they may consider collecting and Kogan were powerless to confirm collection times/days and we were to understand that "they are busy!", like everyone else isn't doing it hard.

Thanks to PayPal, they took over and I am hopeful to be rid of Kogan's dishwasher and will close my account with Kogan an absolutely useless company!!!!

 by Pollyfodder

WARNING! KOGAN uses ICUMULUS GLOBAL DIRECT, the worst courier in the Southern Hemisphere!


KOGAN refuses to take ownership for THEIR mess.

At the time of writing this, I have waited 4 weeks since ordering my Air conditioner from KOGAN.

KOGAN will continue using Icumulus Global Express Irregardless of the hundreds of BAD online REVIEWS because they are CHEAP, and KOGAN DOES NOT CARE!!

Probably because their name is MUD anyway?

If you intend shopping with KOGAN, DEMAND they do not use Icumulus Global Express!

Best to send them an email or use their online form BEFORE YOU BUY to make sure of this!

It will save you WEEKS of anguish, TRUST ME!

Here see the reviews here on this reputable website for Icumulus Global Direct!


KOGAN knows all about this mob, as one can guarantee that I am not the only customer this has happened to, hence the reviews!

Below is a timeline of my continuing dilemma! One has included this timeframe as it is directly relevant to perspective KOGAN customers, and is provided as an indication of what to expect! The consumer has a right to know!

23 September 2022 Purchased my Olimpia air conditioner from KOGAN.

Pic below will show KOGAN's dispatch was TWO DAYS LATE too!

27 September Icumulus received my order into their depot on Tuesday.

29 September Icumulus Global Express tracker stated my "order in transit"

and according to the Icumulus Global Express tracker stayed in transit for 12 days!

07 October KOGAN issued me a refund for the $49.99 freight charge for my goods!

09 October and after 12 days was notified it has been received in "DEPOT QUEENSLAND", but WHERE IN QUEENSLAND? Since Sunday 9 October all attempts to find out from Icumulus Global Express WHERE and WHICH DEPOT have failed!

11 October 2022 it was 14 days since my package was received by Icumulus Global Express

11 October, Have just learnt that the "depot" is actually in BRISBANE and has left Brisbane to Townsville TODAY!

This means, it took 12 days for Icumulus Global Express to transport my goods from Melbourne to Brisbane!

My LAME MULE description of this Icumulus Global Express circus STANDS!

13 October, I learn from Icumulus Global Direct that my package will be arriving in Townsville Mon 17 or Tuesday 18 October THREE WEEKS after Icumulus Global Express received it in their Melbourne depot!!

A new transport record!

17 October.

Icumulus Global Express Tracker tells me today the order is "Travelling between depots" again! See pic below

This means they LIED to be AGAIN and that my order that has been sitting in Brisbane since Sunday 02 October is now finally on the road to Townsville!

After I was told last week (13 Oct) it left Brisbane last Thursday and I would get it on Mon or Tue 17-18 Oct?

20 October

FREIGHT presumed STOLEN by Icumulus Global Express!

Reported to Qld Police on 20 October.

21 October


Just got email from KOGAN.


"Hi Peter,

Thanks for your email.

I completely understand your frustration and once again, we sincerely apologise for the severe inconvenience caused by this matter on behalf of iCumulus Global Express.

As we are constantly striving to improve, your feedback is greatly appreciated and I have passed this on to the relevant department for you.

I have been investigating this matter further with our courier, and they still have not been able to provide an update regarding the status of your item.

We certainly do not intend to keep you waiting, and as such, I’m happy to arrange for a replacement Olimpia Splendid 5.2kW Reverse Cycle Portable Air Conditioner (AIRPRO18HP) to be sent to you.

Please kindly confirm your delivery address and I can arrange this promptly.

Alternatively, should you prefer a refund instead, please let me know and I will have this actioned for you promptly.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kindest regards,

[Name Removed]

Customer Care Team"


At least KOGAN is startingshow some humanity!

I relied with requested information within seconds, and here is the reply.


"[Name Removed] (Kogan.com Help Desk)

Oct 21, 2022, 15:51 GMT+11

Hi Peter,

Thank you for your patience.

Your replacement has been finalised and is under the reference - TQ3XRA82-LIT.

This will be sent with Toll, and our warehouse team will process and dispatch this order shortly.

Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive your dispatch information via email.

Thank you for choosing to shop with us and please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further assistance.

Kindest regards,

[Name Removed]

Customer Care Team"


SURE, Kogan is sending a "replacement" but THAT will not be dispatched from the KOGAN warehouse till Monday 23 October because KOGAN does not work weekends, therefore one's air conditioner should reach me via TOLL (a reputable courier) by Friday28 October HOPEFULLY!

Meaning one will have waited in sweaty warm Townsville for 5 WEEKS for my (a) bloomin air conditioner to arrive.

At the end of the day, THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED!

KOGAN SHOULD NOT BE USING SHODDY 3rd WORLD "lame mule and buggy" COURIERS, especially one with such a pathetic reputation! Hence one's link for Icumulus Global Express reviews above.


Not HAPPY [Name Removed]

NOT HAPPY [Name Removed]

NOT HAPPY [Name Removed]

NOT HAPPY [Name Removed]

NOT HAPPY [Name Removed]

NOT HAPPY [Name Removed] !

Monday 24 October

Can you believe this!

Just got off the phone to Icumulus Global Lame Mule Express, and am told that KOGAN contacted them on Friday instructing them to RETURN MY AIR CONDITIONER that i bought TO SENDER!

MY PROPERTY that finally FINALLY got to the Townsville depot after over 4 WEEKS , and they want it SENT BACK, the goods I PAID FOR, MY LEGAL PROPERTY addressed to MOI!


AND making it even MORE RIDICULOUS is KOGAN has dispatched ANOTHER air conditioner TODAY via Toll as stated in the Email cut and paste above, and expected me to wait ANOTHER 5-7 days for IT!

Whilst my ORIGINAL one that one has waited 5 WEEKS FOR in total, sits here in the TOWNSVILLE Icumulus Lame Mule Express terminal

Here's an email reply regarding the replacement that left their depot today!

For the record, YES, the email one sent them after learning of the "return to sender" fiasco WAS NOT VERY NICE AT ALL.


"A---- R (Kogan.com Help Desk)

Oct 24, 2022, 14:54 GMT+11

Hi Peter,

Thanks for your email.

While we appreciate your feedback, constructive or otherwise, calling us foul names is uncalled for and will not result in a faster resolution.

Name-calling and foul language will result in your ticket being closed automatically with no further response.

We are here to help and more than happy to do so, however, we do not tolerate abusive language whatsoever, so we encourage you to remember this before replying.

I hope this is the final time that this needs to be addressed.

Please be advised that iCumulus Global Express were unable to provide us with an ETA update on your order for almost 1 week.

As such, a quick resolution was to arrange for a replacement order to be sent to you via a different courier.

Please note that your replacement order was created on 21/10 and most orders take 1 - 2 business days at most to be dispatched from our warehouse.

After following up on your order, I can confirm that it is now in the final stages of being processed by our warehouse and is expected to be on its way to you in the next 24 - 48 hours at the latest.

Once your order has left our warehouse, you will be sent a dispatch email with tracking information and courier details.

I sincerely apologise for the delay and the inconvenience it may have caused, your patience and understanding have been much appreciated.

I look forward to getting your order to you as quickly as possible.

In the meantime, if there is anything else I can assist with, please let me know.

Kindest regards,

A--- R

Customer Care Team"


After All Kogan has put me through, they were not even sending the replacement air conditioner via AIR FREIGHT after they asked the original that they dispatched 5 weeks ago to be "returned to sender" from TOWNSVILLE!

Without a warrant or Court Order, They have no LEGAL right in any way to interfere with the delivery of an item I legally own, an item I PAID FOR, and item addressed to me. Just as anyone cannot interfere with the delivery of mail.


What sort of people/company, KNOWING how long one has already waited for delivery of purchased goods by the shoddy courier THEY CHOSE would then tell their shoddy courier to RETURN said goods when it has finally arrived near its destination after 5 weeks waiting for delivery, only to replace the goods with a SECOND round of SAME goods from starting point Melbourne, knowing it will add even MORE TIME?

Does ANYONE see any sense in this or is it just me?


25 October

Email from Kogan, MORE EXCUSES!


"A---- R (Kogan.com Help Desk)

Oct 25, 2022, 14:44 GMT+11

Hi Peter,

Thanks for your numerous emails.

As per my last email, please be advised that iCumulus Global Express were unable to provide us with an ETA update on your order for almost 1 week.

The return request was sent to the courier on Friday (21/10) and it wasn't until yesterday (24/10) that they provided us with any form of updates regarding this shipment.

Please note that the return request and replacement order was arranged with your best interest in mind and in order to provide you with a quicker resolution.

Had we known that the order was already in QLD on Friday the 24th, the outcome would've have been a lot different today.

Please kindly note that there is nothing illegal with us requesting the return of an item whilst we provide you with an alternative resolution in the meantime.

As such, your replacement order was arranged on 21/10 and was dispatched with a different courier within the next business day on 24/10.

Having checked up on your replacement order, I have received confirmation from Toll that this shipment is currently in transit and should be delivered within the next few days.

Please feel free to monitor this delivery closely here.

We really appreciate your patience and understanding while we try to get this issue resolved for you.

I look forward to you receiving this replacement order as promptly as possible.

In the meantime, if there is anything else I can assist with, please let me know.

Kindest regards,

A---- R

Customer Care Team


At the end of the day it was KOGAN that chooses to use these Icumulus mob, and second they knew YESTERDAY that it was in Townsville BEFORE the air conditioner left their warehouse!

What a pathetic excuse!

At the end of the day, KOGAN is responsible for this mess, and they REFUSE TO TAKE OWNERSHIP, instead showing their arrogance AGAIN, adding INSULT TO INJURY!!

To Kogan a "quick resolution" means sending ANOTHER air conditioner from Melbourne, while the aircon one has waited FIVE WEEKS FOR sits in the Icumulus Global Direct depot HERE IN TOWNSVILLE kilometers away from delivery point because they have ordered it to be RETURNED TO SENDER!!!

How is it possible these people are still in business!

October 25

Sent an email to Kogan offering an olive branch, in the hope common sense would prevail and that my suggestion would release My air conditioner sitting in Townsville so it can be delivered TODAY.



12:49 (1 hour ago)

to Kogan.com


You are sending me TWO AIR CONDITIONERS, and all this rig-marole is YOUR FAULT!

Tell you what, I should not be doing this, but send BOTH AIR CONDITIONERS and one will pay 1/2 price for the one in transit from brisbane at the moment, this way I can get the one that is currently SITTING THERE in Townsville.

Email me if you agree, Make out an invoice for $420 and one will pay via Afterpay so you get $$$ straight away.

After this, we have a clean slate!



After all they have put me through, a NORMAL COMPANY run by HUMANS would accept this offer, this olive branch one has offered them!


Here I am Tuesday 25 October STILL NO DELIVERY 28 DAYS AFTER Icumulus Global Express received my air conditioner in their Melbourne depot and 33 days after ordering my air conditioner AND COUNTING!

All I have heard from KOGAN was well rehearsed SORRIES and stalling tactics!

All I have heard from Icumulus Global Express was well orchestrated LIES and diversions!


At this time, one can now HONESTLY SAY that a HORSE AND BUGGY would have been quicker!

Distance between Melbourne and Townsville 2,497.3km.

This means over the 32 days one has been waiting, the horses would have to travel 78km per day.

If horses worked 8 hours per day they would only have to travel at a speed of 8km per hour!

A leisurely Strole even for a LAME MULE, thus My LAME MULE description of this Icumulus Global Express circus STANDS!

P R O V E N !


Has anyone in cyberspace seen anything like it?


KOGAN is just as responsible for using Icumulus Global Express FULLY KNOWING is does NOT have ONE GOOD REVIEW in cyberspace, it cannot sit in any Court and say THEY DID NOT KNOW, and I am sure that I am not the only KOGAN customer that has had problems with them!

TIME FOR KOGAN TO TAKE OWNERSHIP for using shoddy couriers instead of HIDING BEHIND THEM!

I must also divulge that KOGAN gave me a lowsy $20 credit for my NEXT PURCHASE, something that will NEVER EVER EVER eventuate! WHAT AN INSULT AFTER WHAT I'M GOING THROUGH!

Living in hot sweaty Townsville without an air conditioner in my computer room. I have a medical condition, and unlike everyone else around me, I cannot regulate my temperature, and I also have ASD with sensory issues on top of that, so you can imagine the HELL I'm going through.

10 days MAX is acceptable, and one expected that as a maximum, and has made provisions therefore, and one receives many items from interstate, but THIS, THIS goes beyond PATHETIC!

THIS is why one has provided such a lengthy review.

I don't want others to go through what I am going through.


ALSO, Kogan should be transparent in which courier they will be using BEFORE consumers purchase items like other online businesses, ESPECIALLY WITH CHRISTMAS ALMOST UPON US!

I may yet be suing all parties for the stress they have caused.

I have not even STARTED addressing this issue, and this will be a thorn in Kogan and Icumulus' butt for a long long time to come!

The pictures below say a thousand words!

Shop elsewhere for Christmas, save yourselves the heartache!

 by Carlene Linnell

BAD BAD BAD - NO communication, over a dozen emails to Customer Service (no service - BS) No happy with the silent treatment.

Going to lodge complaint with fair trading. called 1300304292 message machine no service. Absolutely unimpressed. Will keep looking for a phone number that works.

 by Shane Layt

Where the hell is your warranty contact. Why cant I speak to someone rather than waiting until your ready to do something about my product warranty!! Your Website is built like a not so Merry-go-round and deliberately forces you to give up trying to contact you. Absolutely, diabolically hopeless.

 by les mckenna

What a joke can not contacted any when to get help with a product. no tech help number to call center. would not waste time buying from here again.

 by Kerry

Very poor service and impossible to contact Kogan customer service. i bought a pair of walking boots which were advertised as waterproof. The first time I wore them in damp grass, they leaked. Wet feet and socks. I complained to Kogan and received an email asking me to send a photograph to prove the boots are not durably waterproof. I asked how I was going to take a photo of the inside of a boot and have not had a response to three subsequent emails. I have no intention of shopping with Kogan again.

 by CR

WORST COMPANY TO DEAL WITH!! I have contacted this company in every which way possible and they still have been deducting a monthly fee shown as TUYA. I don't recommend you purchase anything from this company. If you need help or anything from them, they will quickly dismiss it or tell you something you want to hear but never act on it. BEWARE!

 by Lachlan

Still waiting on a bed that was ordered a month and a half ago. No invoice was sent to my email. No cantact from Kogan to confirm the order. I've gotten bits of my order but no bed! Nothing from any couriers to say it's on it's way and no phone number to call. Just the number on this page where a recorded voice tells you to call other places where i won't find any answers. Not Happy!

 by Robyn

I bought an item from them which was good. Next I am charged for a membership fee $99.00 which I never ask for nor approved! Plus you can't speak to anyone just damn automated responses! I'm taking this to the ACCC

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