Vodafone Corporate Office Headquarters

Head Office Address : Vodafone, 177 Pacific Hwy,North Sydney,NSW, 2060

Phone Number : 1515

Email : support@vodafone.com.au

Web : https://www.vodafone.com.au/

Twitter ID : @VodafoneAU

Vodafone corporate office headquarters
Vodafone Australia
Average rating:  
 21 reviews
 by Russell

Hope you like dealing with all these dead people who use your network only to die because of your incompetent reception me and many other like me will rather die than put our lives in your unreliable service and incompetence people probably already have died because your network is so unreliable im only one of many customers who think this you don't care about your customers who have been with you for over 10yrs im one of many who if it wasn't for us you would not be in the top 5 telecommunication companies treat your existing customers better or we will leve you forever and go to a different phone company your not the only ones but you are the only ones neglecting us it too you over 10yrs to to get your shit together to even start to give back free data to us instead of ripping us off every recharge

 by Sahar

The worse costumer service , I believe Vodafone doesn't exist anymore. There is no one to respond.

Every time you call someone in India respond . Traded in my old phone now been without a phone for almost 2.5 months.

As the new phone they gave me was not new !!

 by Pissed off fucking. Vodafone customers for over 10yrs

I spoke to soon i give you a good rating and you shaft me in the ass with you stupid ignorance pathetic reception and delayed incompetence service fuck this fuck you im going to use telstra instead optus are just as bad as you assholes you have just lost a customer whose been with you for over 10yrs you never treat me right or listen yet you ignorantly automatically think the customer is wrong well get this through your fucking thick skull im on 5g 2 towers 100metres away and i have 2021 tablet you have just lost a loyal customer due to your incompetent telecommunications services

 by Happy customer

Wow im actually surprised i have strong reception strong signal im actually happy whatever you have done is working thankyou Vodafone this makes up for the last 5yrs because of this I'll be around for another 10yrs

 by EGH

Rating is MINUS 1 STAR.

I have decided to switch my NBN and 2 phone services to Telstra. Why you may ask? I no longer want to communicate with a customer service located in India staffed by condescending, slimy characters trying to do "deals" and slimy "salesmanship" to try and appear that Vodaphone is doing a favour for the customer. Even the local Vodaphone shop in Perth, cannot speak to anybody in Australia, so as an Australian customer, one has no chance. Telstra, here i come

 by Pissed off customer for more than 10yrs

Over 10yrs of your incompetence im going to destroy and burn every store i come across your the one who is responsible for the deaths of many including mine when you finally cause my heart attack we are coming for you you fucked up unreliable incompetent company i cannot trust you anymore im only one of many many many customers who will bring your company down we are rising up against you you incompetent fucking assholes

 by Rusty

All we require is good 100% reliable communications if your working on the towers tell us not just leave us in the dark like you always do we are only the consumer and you have blamed us neglected us and just ignored our cries for help when your main issue with us all is your reception services not strong enough always cuts out never a reliable connection always expect it to cut out no matter what you have blamed us you loyal customers to many times enough is enough treat us right and we customers will be around as long as me maybe longer i know this will fall on deaf ears it always

 by Rusty

Worst incompetent service ever your the result of many deaths because of your incompetence towards your customers when im on my death bed i will not use your network provider because you will only kill me with you unreliable phone reception your incompetent services most of all your fucking delayed services that takes at least 5 minutes to load fucking everything instead of seconds its not my problem i have 1tb of data its always your fault and you are going to be held responsible whether you like it or not your not getting away with this fix the fucking problems or have an army of Vodafone customers bashing down your Vodafone doors im only one of many loyal customers 14yrs ive been with you you incompetent human fucking being you will be the cause of my death due to you incompetent internet speed Internet loading most of all the fucking phone reception will bring you undone because your so unreliable no use changing companies because the others are just as incompetent as you Vodafone fix your fucking strength on your towers or expect 4 million pissed off Australians im only saying what others are thinking the haven't got enough balls or guts to tell you the way it is im only one of many people who think this you were a good company NOW YOUR UTTER SHIT AND UTTER UNRELIABLE

 by Russell

Ive been a loyal customer to you for over 10yrs and im fucking sick and tired of you blaming us for your incompetent services im going to commit suicide because of you hope your happy with yourselves because you rather let us customers down than provide adequate reliable telecommunication services

 by Paul

I would give a rating of negative Infinity Stars to this F#king bunch of C#ck Sukas! I have been a loyal customer with Vodafone for over 30yrs & im now going to switch to Optus afta the 1.5 mth long F#ck around these low life C#nts have put me thru.

Countless fake promises of call backs at certain times from multiple so called "Managers" only to waste my time again. Then have to ring 1555 again, wait to get a call back, then tell yet another person the exact same story over & over again, then be promised again they will call u back with issue sorted. Whick never happens. F#CK YOU VODAFONE C#NTS!

Recently updated on November 24th, 2023 at 04:31 am

Vodafone Headquarters Info

You can find the corporate office address and headquarters in North Sydney,NSW, 2060. Most of the operations handled from this Vodafone Australia corporate headquarter.

  • Address: Vodafone headquarters is completely transparent when it comes to contact information and location of the Vodafone. You can address any letters to this corporate headquarters office to:

Vodafone, 177 Pacific Hwy,North Sydney,NSW, 2060.

  • Phone Number: Call 1515 to reach someone at Vodafone headquarters. As soon as you speak with a representative, you should have a fair solution to your problem that is relatively fast, You can contact during Monday to Friday: 9:30 am – 7:00 pm and Saturday: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm and Sunday: 10:00 am – 5:30 pm. We suspect the corporate office is also open during these times.
  • Email: As an alternative, you can email Vodafone at support@vodafone.com.au that may help spread the word about your problem. You can also contact someone close to the corporate office by emailing the Media Help department.
  • Website: You can use their website www.vodafone.com.au and contact any department for general help. there is no dedicated website for Vodafone headquarters.

Vodafone Australia Headquarters Executive Team

Meet the team providing strong leadership to Vodafone headquarters. Below are some executive team members name of Vodafone corporate office Australia.

  • Iñaki Berroeta – Chief Executive Officer
  • Trent Czinner – General Counsel and Company Secretary
  • Ana Bordeianu – Customer Operations Director
  • Kevin Millroy – Chief Technology Officer
  • Dan Lloyd – Chief Strategy Officer and Corporate Affairs Director
  • Sean Crowley – Acting Chief Financial Officer
  • Ben McIntosh – Chief Commercial Officer
  • Vanessa Hicks – Director of Human Resources

Vodafone corporate office addresses

Corporate addresses
Vodafone (Australia)  177 Pacific Hwy, North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia

Vodafone Headquarters Location & Directions

Vodafone Head Office Australia Photos


Resource Links

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Also Read : Optus Headquarters Info

Vodafone Australia FAQS

Q. Where is Vodafone Headquarters?
A. Vodafone headquarters is located at Vodafone, 177 Pacific Hwy,North Sydney,NSW, 2060.

Q. What is Vodafone australia phone number?
A. Vodafone Australia Phone number is 1515.

Q. Who owns Vodafone australia?
A. Vodafone Australia is wholly owned by TPG Telecom Group.

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Vodafone Australia
Average rating:  
 21 reviews
 by Russell

Hope you like dealing with all these dead people who use your network only to die because of your incompetent reception me and many other like me will rather die than put our lives in your unreliable service and incompetence people probably already have died because your network is so unreliable im only one of many customers who think this you don't care about your customers who have been with you for over 10yrs im one of many who if it wasn't for us you would not be in the top 5 telecommunication companies treat your existing customers better or we will leve you forever and go to a different phone company your not the only ones but you are the only ones neglecting us it too you over 10yrs to to get your shit together to even start to give back free data to us instead of ripping us off every recharge

 by Sahar

The worse costumer service , I believe Vodafone doesn't exist anymore. There is no one to respond.

Every time you call someone in India respond . Traded in my old phone now been without a phone for almost 2.5 months.

As the new phone they gave me was not new !!

 by Pissed off fucking. Vodafone customers for over 10yrs

I spoke to soon i give you a good rating and you shaft me in the ass with you stupid ignorance pathetic reception and delayed incompetence service fuck this fuck you im going to use telstra instead optus are just as bad as you assholes you have just lost a customer whose been with you for over 10yrs you never treat me right or listen yet you ignorantly automatically think the customer is wrong well get this through your fucking thick skull im on 5g 2 towers 100metres away and i have 2021 tablet you have just lost a loyal customer due to your incompetent telecommunications services

 by Happy customer

Wow im actually surprised i have strong reception strong signal im actually happy whatever you have done is working thankyou Vodafone this makes up for the last 5yrs because of this I'll be around for another 10yrs

 by EGH

Rating is MINUS 1 STAR.

I have decided to switch my NBN and 2 phone services to Telstra. Why you may ask? I no longer want to communicate with a customer service located in India staffed by condescending, slimy characters trying to do "deals" and slimy "salesmanship" to try and appear that Vodaphone is doing a favour for the customer. Even the local Vodaphone shop in Perth, cannot speak to anybody in Australia, so as an Australian customer, one has no chance. Telstra, here i come

 by Pissed off customer for more than 10yrs

Over 10yrs of your incompetence im going to destroy and burn every store i come across your the one who is responsible for the deaths of many including mine when you finally cause my heart attack we are coming for you you fucked up unreliable incompetent company i cannot trust you anymore im only one of many many many customers who will bring your company down we are rising up against you you incompetent fucking assholes

 by Rusty

All we require is good 100% reliable communications if your working on the towers tell us not just leave us in the dark like you always do we are only the consumer and you have blamed us neglected us and just ignored our cries for help when your main issue with us all is your reception services not strong enough always cuts out never a reliable connection always expect it to cut out no matter what you have blamed us you loyal customers to many times enough is enough treat us right and we customers will be around as long as me maybe longer i know this will fall on deaf ears it always

 by Rusty

Worst incompetent service ever your the result of many deaths because of your incompetence towards your customers when im on my death bed i will not use your network provider because you will only kill me with you unreliable phone reception your incompetent services most of all your fucking delayed services that takes at least 5 minutes to load fucking everything instead of seconds its not my problem i have 1tb of data its always your fault and you are going to be held responsible whether you like it or not your not getting away with this fix the fucking problems or have an army of Vodafone customers bashing down your Vodafone doors im only one of many loyal customers 14yrs ive been with you you incompetent human fucking being you will be the cause of my death due to you incompetent internet speed Internet loading most of all the fucking phone reception will bring you undone because your so unreliable no use changing companies because the others are just as incompetent as you Vodafone fix your fucking strength on your towers or expect 4 million pissed off Australians im only saying what others are thinking the haven't got enough balls or guts to tell you the way it is im only one of many people who think this you were a good company NOW YOUR UTTER SHIT AND UTTER UNRELIABLE

 by Russell

Ive been a loyal customer to you for over 10yrs and im fucking sick and tired of you blaming us for your incompetent services im going to commit suicide because of you hope your happy with yourselves because you rather let us customers down than provide adequate reliable telecommunication services

 by Paul

I would give a rating of negative Infinity Stars to this F#king bunch of C#ck Sukas! I have been a loyal customer with Vodafone for over 30yrs & im now going to switch to Optus afta the 1.5 mth long F#ck around these low life C#nts have put me thru.

Countless fake promises of call backs at certain times from multiple so called "Managers" only to waste my time again. Then have to ring 1555 again, wait to get a call back, then tell yet another person the exact same story over & over again, then be promised again they will call u back with issue sorted. Whick never happens. F#CK YOU VODAFONE C#NTS!

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