Reject Shop Corporate Office Headquarters

Head Office Address : 245 Racecourse Rd, Kensington VIC, 3031, Australia

Phone Number : 1800633886

Email :

Web :

Twitter ID : @TheRejectShop

Reject Shop Australia corporate office headquarters
Reject Shop Australia
Average rating:  
 5 reviews
 by Alice


I bought an item and I taught refund policy is 30 days and I was sick and couldn't go earlier to return the item by 28 days that I found it their return policy same day that I went to return it but just one day passed so after 29 days reject shop at Rouse hill nsw didnt accept to return my money back and said just they can give credit note.sometimes it is not bad they try to understand some situation .whatever I tried to explain ,they didnt accept it.

 by Rick Goodwin

I had a problem regarding a return product at store. I contacted Christopher Pacovski, People and Culture Safety Advisor. I was given Christopher’s contact number after contacting several stores. All I can say is his help at solving my problem was nothing but first class. He went out of his way to ensure my satisfaction and was prompt with replies. Probably best customer service I have ever had.

 by virginia

BRILLIANT CUSTOMER SERVICE - tuggerah supa centre- tuggerah.nsw,

Alexander from this store served me yesterday and was exceptional. He went beyond customer and i was so impressed that i had to send an email. Could this be passed on to his store manager so he can get some great feedbck.

Regards, ( a delighted customer)

 by Rosemarie


Your customer service agent Hayden at the Keilor Downs store, Is absolutely fantastic, polite, so helpful and always happy.

He should be given a managerial roll and a massive pay rise

I attended your store in Keilor Downs because of him as he makes my day, myself and other customers leaving your store have chatted outside as to his beautiful manner

My details are Rosemarie Savona

My contact number is 0401 96 78 52 please contact me anytime for further information about your Number 1 Employee

Kind Regards

Rosemarie Savona

 by Emily Atgiaras

Very helpful staff members.thank you

Recently updated on November 20th, 2023 at 06:50 am

Reject Shop Headquarters Info

You can find the corporate head office address and headquarters in Kensington VIC, 3031. Most of the operations handled from this Reject Shop Australia corporate headquarter.

  • Address: The Reject Shop headquarters is completely transparent when it comes to contact information and location of the Reject Shop. You can address any letters to this corporate headquarters office to:

245 Racecourse Rd, Kensington VIC, 3031, Australia

  • Phone Number: Call 1800 633 886 to reach someone at The Reject Shop headquarters. As soon as you speak with a representative, you should have a fair solution to your problem that is relatively fast, You can contact during Monday to Friday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm and Saturday to Sunday: Closed. We suspect the corporate head office is also open during these times.
  • Email: As an alternative, you can email Reject Shop at that may help spread the word about your problem. You can also contact someone close to the corporate head office by emailing the Media Help department.
  • Website: You can use their website and contact any department for general help. there is no dedicated website for Reject Shop headquarters.

The Reject Shop Headquarters Executive Team

Meet the team providing strong leadership to Reject Shop headquarters. Below are some executive team members name of Reject Shop corporate office Australia.

  • Dani Aquilina : Acting Chief Executive Officer
  • Darren Briggs : Chief Financial Officer & Company Secretary
  • Steven Williamson : General Manager – Buying
  • Brendon Short : General Manager – Operations
  • Allan Penrose : General Manager – Marketing

Reject Shop corporate office addresses

Corporate addresses
Reject Shop (Australia)  245 Racecourse Rd, Kensington VIC, 3031, Australia

Reject Shop Headquarters Location & Directions

Reject Shop Head Office Australia Photos

Reject Shop1

Resource Links

Support Feedback

Also Read : Country Road Headquarters Info

Reject Shop Australia FAQS

Q. Where is Reject Shop Headquarters?
A. Reject Shop headquarters is located at 245 Racecourse Rd, Kensington VIC, 3031, Australia.

Q. What is Reject Shop australia phone number?
A. Reject Shop Australia Phone number is 1800 633 886.

Q. Who owns Reject Shop australia?
A. Reject Shop Australia is wholly owned by Macquarie Bank.

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Reject Shop Australia
Average rating:  
 5 reviews
 by Alice


I bought an item and I taught refund policy is 30 days and I was sick and couldn't go earlier to return the item by 28 days that I found it their return policy same day that I went to return it but just one day passed so after 29 days reject shop at Rouse hill nsw didnt accept to return my money back and said just they can give credit note.sometimes it is not bad they try to understand some situation .whatever I tried to explain ,they didnt accept it.

 by Rick Goodwin

I had a problem regarding a return product at store. I contacted Christopher Pacovski, People and Culture Safety Advisor. I was given Christopher’s contact number after contacting several stores. All I can say is his help at solving my problem was nothing but first class. He went out of his way to ensure my satisfaction and was prompt with replies. Probably best customer service I have ever had.

 by virginia

BRILLIANT CUSTOMER SERVICE - tuggerah supa centre- tuggerah.nsw,

Alexander from this store served me yesterday and was exceptional. He went beyond customer and i was so impressed that i had to send an email. Could this be passed on to his store manager so he can get some great feedbck.

Regards, ( a delighted customer)

 by Rosemarie


Your customer service agent Hayden at the Keilor Downs store, Is absolutely fantastic, polite, so helpful and always happy.

He should be given a managerial roll and a massive pay rise

I attended your store in Keilor Downs because of him as he makes my day, myself and other customers leaving your store have chatted outside as to his beautiful manner

My details are Rosemarie Savona

My contact number is 0401 96 78 52 please contact me anytime for further information about your Number 1 Employee

Kind Regards

Rosemarie Savona

 by Emily Atgiaras

Very helpful staff members.thank you